Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Is For The Pigs - or - 6 Pounds Of Bacon

I am headed out the door to drive to Minnesota to meet my brother, his wife, and her parents. They are hosting an Easter Pig Roast for the entire town they live in; yes they are pork farmers and yes I love them with all my heart. I've gotta run, but here are some pictures of my brother, my father and my brother's father in law with bacon wallets. As gifts to each of the men in the family, I bought them all bacon wallets. Nothing says family like bacon, and I get to bring home 6 pounds of the stuff this weekend.

I also recently received a strange package in the mail...


  1. Anonymous2:39 PM

    "Fuck you Columbine"? "Fuck you Karmine"? What?

  2. You're going to Minnesota for Easter? ...jealous...

  3. Krumbine.

    Poor wee Krumbine.

  4. bacon there's a great present...
